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CFP bshp2

    Br. Brian Stacy, OFM Cap., sent along some photos of  the first weeks of the semester for our College Formation Program at  Cleveland's Borromeo Seminatry in Wickliffe, OH.In the photo above, some of the students greeted newly installed Bishop of Cleveland, Nelson J. Perez, and two of our staff of Capuchins were able to get a shot with the bishop as well . . . .

     Below are our brothers Br. Lester Knoll, OFM Cap., along with Br. Brian:

CFP bshp1

    The CFP began the year with a little party in the Cap Lounge,
thanking Br. Rafa Anguiano, OFM Cap., our Provincial Vocation Director,
for a job well done in the vocation office this year.
10 young men are now living in community while attending college
at John Carroll University as they discern their future vocation as Capuchins.
CFP mtg

    The staff and students presented "Br. Raf" with a Borromeo Seminary polo shirt.
He seems pretty happy to get one . . . .