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PR Lopez04Our friar students Josean Castro, OFM Cap, Federico Viquez, OFM Cap., Pablo Lopez, OFM Cap. and Steve Cantwell, OFM Cap. (not picture left) have been spending their summer on assignment to Puerto Rico, and on June 17th, our brother Pablo offered these thoughts and photos about their experience of June's feast of St. Anthony on Facebook:

  Living out the Gospel Life is full of great adventures, especially when your sent out by the Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit that sends us out and it is Christ whom we preach and when they see Christ they see the Father.
  We were amazed of how a simple prayer or a simple conversation allowed us see the hearts of the people we encountered in the streets of Puerto Rico.  God does not abandone His children, and it is through these encounters that we are reminded of His powerful Love for us.
  The feast of Saint Anthony was such a grace filled moment. We were inspired by the great faith of the People of God and their great devotion to St Anthony, always seeking his intercession to draw one ever closer to Christ.
  Don’t be afraid to walk in the footsteps of Christ!

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Tage Danielsen also wrote on June 30th to let us know of  his Sunday in PNG: On Sunday, June 30 I celebrated Mass at my usual weekend helpout, St. Anthony Church in Talidig. This weekend was special as we celebrated First Holy Communion for about 30 young people. Pictured with me is Fr. Michael Kim, of the Korean Missionary Society, who is the parish priest there. He concelebated and preached the homily. After Mass we enjoyed a nice meal outside, facing the ocean! 



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