On Thursday, March 11th, Our Capuchin brothers Ross Henley, OFM Cap., and Matt Hindelang OFM Cap., directors of our new Pittsburgh Ministry Center in the Lawrenceville section of Pittsburgh, PA, hosted a sketch night for local artists. One of the ministries they've been working with involves an outreach to local artists. Offering them a meeting place and a "gallery" allows them an opportunity to use their talents, to share their experiences and to have an experience of enjoying one another's work: finding the joy of their art allows them to find beauty as a way to God and to share the goodness of God's beauty.
"We started a group called the Assisi Arts Community," writes Matt. "There was a desire in the group for an opportunity to sketch a friar, and Br. Jim Mungovan, OFM Cap., of the local community was willing to be a part of it. The event was open to the public and about a dozen artists participated."
Their amazing work can tell you there are some real talents in this crew. Maybe someday Br. Jim will turn up in the Louvre or the Smithsonian?