The Capuchin Novitiate Family 2014-2015
The Capuchin novices of North America are now into their third month of the novitiate year in Santa Ynez, CA, and have weighed in with ther first edition of the Caperone, the periodic magazine they publish to let us know what's happening among them.
This year's editors, our own Br. David Domanski, OFM Cap., and Br. Brenton Ertel, OFM Cap., of the St. Joseph Province (Detroit) have prepare a lovely issue about their first few months. We get a chance to meet the novices and to review photos from their Investiture ceremony when they received their Capuchin habits in July. They also offer the novices' first impressions of their novitiate year and events that have already touched their lives in the first few months.
The novices from our Province of St. Augustine are highlighted and we've reproduced those introductions below. You can download the entire edition here.